

Fresh Cherry Turnovers

1/2 cup Granulated Sugar (1/2 szklanki cukru)
2 cups All-Purpose Flower (2 szklanki maki)
3 tablespoons Chopped Crystallized Ginger (3 lyzki posiekanego kandyzowanego imbiru)
1 teaspoon Salt (1 lyzeczka soli)
3/4 cups Unsalted Butter (3/4 szklanki niesolonego masla)
4 ounces Cream Cheese (cream cheese-ja uzywam Philadephia albo Organic Valley)
4 tablespoons Ice Water (4 lyzki bardzo zimnej wody)
1 pound Bing Cherries, pitted and halved (przepolowione czeresnie bez pestek)
1 tablespoon Finely Grated Lemon Zest (1 lyzeczka startej skorki z cytryny)
1 tablespoon Fresh Lemon Juice (1 lyzeczka soku z cytryny)
1 tablespoon Cornstarch (1lyzeczka skrobi kukurydzianej)
1/4 teaspoon Salt (1/4 lyzeczki soli)


  1. Make the dough: In the bowl of a food processor fitted with a metal blade, combine the flour, sugar, ginger, and salt. Pulse until well blended. Add butter and cream cheese to the processor and pulse until mixture resembles coarse meal. With processor running, slowly add water and mix just until dough comes together. Form dough into a disk and wrap with plastic wrap. Chill dough for 30 minutes.
{Wymieszaj make cukier, imbir i sol,  Dodaj cream cheese i maslo.  Jak ciasto wydaje sie zageste, dodaj troche wody.  Zawin ciasto w plastikowa folie i wloz do lodowki na 30 minut.}

  1. Form the turnovers: In a medium bowl, mix the cherries, lemon zest, lemon juice, cornstarch, and salt together and set aside. On a lightly floured surface, roll, out dough and cut out 6-inch circles. Gather and rechill dough scraps and repeat until 15 dough circles are cut out. Evenly divide the cherry filling among the dough circles. Dampen the edge of each dough circle and fold in half over the cherry filling. Lightly press the edges with the tines of a fork to seal each half-moon-shaped turnover. Place turnovers on two parchment-lined baking sheets and chill for at least 30 minutes.
{W sredniej miseczce wymieszaj czeresnie bez pestek, starta skorke z cytryny, sok z cytryny, skrobie kukurydziana i sol.  Wyciagnij ciasto z lodowki i rozwalkuj.  Wycinaj 15 cm kolka. Wypelnij je czeresniami i zloz w polowie.  Naciskaj na brzegi widelcem.  Wszystkie powinny wygladac jak polksiezyce.} 

  1. Bake the turnovers: Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Use a sharp knife to cut 2 or 3 small slits on top of each turnover to create vents. Place turnovers on the middle rack of the oven and bake until crust is golden and cherry juice begins to ooze from the vent holes -- 20 to 25 minutes. Cool turnovers on a wire rack. Store in an airtight container for up to 2 days.
  2. {Nagrzej piekarnik na 130 stopni.  Uzyj ostrego noza aby naciac male krzyzyki na sirodku polksiezycy.  Uloz je na blache poktyta folja alumniowa i piec okolo 20-25 minut.  Wyciagnij i ostudz przed sprobowaniem.  Mozna je przechowac przez okolo 2 dni.}

Pychota, palce lizac......

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